Non Sticky Bonus Casinos

Today almost every company provides free offerings to attract new potential customers. As a compelling industry, the gambling and betting industry also uses these complimentary offerings, which they call online casino bonuses.

Bonus is a Latin-originated word with the meaning of ‘something extra that is good.’ The idea is to make a good start with someone new. But do all the bonuses carry the same features as the gifts we referred to at the beginning? 

In this review, we will take a closer look at the non-sticky bonuses.

Casino non-sticky bonus as a concept is the most generous and complimentary among all types of bonuses. This article will compare them with sticky bonuses and provide guidelines for using them. Here we start! 

Non Sticky Bonus 

Everyone likes gifts! Isn’t it true? Getting something complimentary from someone we like makes us feel worthy and valuable. For instance, if you want to make a good impression on someone with whom you want to come closer in the future, you will also generously offer some gifts by not asking for anything in return.

Additionally, if you’d expect to acquire something, that wouldn’t be a natural gift at the end of the day.

So what are the favourite gifts for the majority of people? Can we define them? Yes, we actually can but with abstract norms. The most precious gifts are those in line with our tastes or those offering more significant potential than themselves!

Non sticky bonus

You may have seen the term Parachute bonus. That is the other name sometimes used instead of non-sticky bonus. The general characteristic of the bonus derives from the word non-sticky. That means the two concepts are kept separately from each other. These two concepts in the online casino market are the deposit and the bonus offered. 

If you received that kind of casino bonus from an online casino, you should first check the wagering requirements set by the online casino for it.

Although they share the same name, all conditions of non-sticky bonuses differ from online casino to online casino. Therefore, reading through the available information is vital to profit the most from your bonus.

how to The Difference Between Sticky and Non Sticky Bonus

Are you one who clicks the ‘next’ button without reading the instructions while downloading an app? If that is your case, you are a part of the great majority; however, if you want to win while online gambling, that is the last thing you should do. 

Suppose you establish a company in retail sales. Would you take your board decisions without reading your signed documents and expect to become the market player with the highest turnover and the next tax champion of the year? The answer to this question is the same as for your gambling foresight. 

Becoming an online gambling ace has many financial benefits; if you want to increase your earnings, you must have certain strategies. The vital step in those strategies is to read and understand your rights and obligations, just like any other decision in life. So finding a legit online casino and learning about your rights, bonuses, responsibilities, wagering requirements, and similar other conditions constitute the basis of your future success. 

Now you know that every online casino platform has different rules but uses the same terminology. Therefore, this comparison will be a theoretical one, based on universal consent; however, to see the particular details, the conditions of bonuses are must-to-read information. Kindly see the differences between sticky and non-sticky one under specific titles.

point  Creating a direct connection between the deposit amount and the bonus

Non-sticky bonuses do not connect the initial deposit with the bonus.

That means you first play with your initial deposit fund that is totally separated from the non-sticky bonus. 

Sticky bonuses tie the deposit to your bonus amount and create a sum out of both, meaning there is no separation of the deposit and bonus. The amount you play on the online casino must eventually be a part of the sum of those two. 

point  Being subject to wagering requirements 

In Non-Sticky bonuses, the wagering requirements apply only to your bonuses.

For example, you deposited the amount of 500 and received a non-sticky bonus of 500 as well. You can withdraw your winnings deriving from your initial deposit before your bonus expires. 

In sticky bonuses, the wagering conditions apply to both your initial deposit and the sticky bonus offered. So, if we use the same example, you deposited 500, and the sticky bonus offered you another 500. The amount subject to wagering requirements is the sum of these both. Meaning you must follow the wagering requirements for 1000 in sticky bonus. Only then will you have the right to withdraw your earnings. 

point  Freedom not to use your bonus

Suppose you earned an incredible amount from your initial deposit and then decided not to use the bonus and withdraw your money. In Non-sticky bonus case scenarios, you may withdraw your initial deposit and earnings without using the bonus.

In sticky bonuses, there is no freedom not to use the bonus amount since the differences between the deposit money and bonus are destroyed and tied together. 

casino review Advantages of Non Sticky Bonuses

Advantages of non sticky bonuses

There are numerous advantages of non-sticky bonuses.

Here we are sharing some of them with you: 

check  You can benefit from a genuine offer: These bonuses are real extras offered to online casino users. Using them wisely is a great way to increase your chances of winning!

check  You will have a weighted off mind: If you receive a non-sticky offer, you cannot be forced to do anything which binds your initial deposit. That means you must meet the wagering requirements only if you benefit from it.

check  Non-sticky bonuses are more economical: The only amount you should wager is based on the bonus amount. In any case, it will cost less than a stick bonus. 

check  Bonuses are easier to calculate: Unlike the case scenarios in sticky bonuses, if you decide to use your non-sticky incentive, the maths part is easier to manage, less time-consuming, and less confusing because it only affects the bonus amount. 

check  Non-sticky offers make tracking down your financial overview easier: If you gamble on a specific budget, following your state of play will help you to make changes in your gambling strategy.

question How to Get a Non Sticky Bonus?

Get a non sticky bonus

To get a non-sticky one, you should: 

point  Read online reviews that list the online casinos offering non-sticky bonuses.

point  Compare and contrast their offers in terms of non-sticky bonus percentage, the limit set for the bonus amount, and wager requirements. 

point  Pick the optimum for your needs and expectations.

point  Check the online casinos you like among them and verify their safety and security levels in terms of being a legit-established casino operating under the rule of law.

point  Check the deposit methods available on the online casino and get informed about the quality of the customer support.

point  Once you find the optimum online casino for your needs, get registered.

point  Create an account on that online casino. 

point  Deposit the amount required to benefit from the non-sticky bonus privilege.


Non-sticky bonuses are just like gifts we receive. They do not put us under several obligations; however, they give room for potential advantages that bring us joy and wealth! That is the reason why a lot of Indian players are fond of non-sticky bonuses! 

Since the wagering conditions may vary from casino to casino, one thing is for sure. Non-sticky bonuses clearly separate your deposit money from the bonus, and wagering conditions apply only to your bonuses. This quality makes non-sticky welcome bonuses the most attractive option for Indian online players! 

Finally, we kindly suggest you check the wagering requirements and make your first deposit in line with your gambling strategy according to your budget. If you want to be on the winner’s side, you have to find your unique strategy! As the famous football coach Lombardi once said, “Hope is not a strategy!”